
The role of the Priest is central to the spiritual life of the community, guiding and nurturing the congregation in matters of faith, worship, and pastoral care. With deep reverence and dedication, the Priest leads ceremonies, offers spiritual counsel, and fosters a sense of unity and reverence within the church.
Name Date
Fr Thomas De Cova, O.P. 1568 (Founder)
Fr Fanscesco Dos Neves 1623
Fr Inacia Kaitano De Silva De Grasa 1759-1762
Fr Joachim Manuel Miranda 1762-1766
Fr Manuel Francisco Gomes De Lotelin 1766-1768
Fr Salvadore Manuel Gomes De Lotelin 1768-1775
Fr Antonio Mell Lobo De Serulla 1775-1777
Fr Kaithano Kwintru Lobo 1777-1779
Fr Pedru Kaithano Rebeiro 1779-1780
Fr Antonio Xavier Vas 1780-1788
Fr Sebastiano Cutinha 1788-1790
Fr Lawrence Kaithano Lobo De, Condolim 1790
Fr Joachim Manuel Mendis 1800-1803
Fr Narsisus Piyadode Baretto 1803-1806
Fr Salvadore Alphonso 1806-1814
Fr Vincent Marian Gomes 1814-1822
Fr Camilus Constatis De Misquith 1822-1823
Fr Vinslaus Xavier Gonsalves 1823-1825
Fr Jose Lowrenso Vas 1825-1828
Fr Vincent Paul Peregrin Garcia 1828-1834
Fr Jeo Manuel Evanzalista Lewis 1834-1852
Fr Peter Castodio Lewis 1852-1855
Fr Diog Sylvester Fernandes 1855 (3 Months)
Fr John Colambino, ODC 1855 (1Month)
Fr Joachim Vincent Rebello 1855-1856 (11 Months)
Fr Anthony John Coelho 1856-1857 (8 Months)
Fr Joachim Vincent Rebello 1857-1858 (11 Months)
Fr John Colambino, ODC 1858 (1 Month)
Fr Lazarus Coelho 1858-1874
Fr Martin Coelho 1874-1878
Fr Joseph M. Masse 1878 (1 Month)
Fr John Salvadore Abbreve 1878-1891
Fr Dominic Rosario D'Souza 1891 (3 1Aonlhs)
Fr Pascal Theophil Mascarenhas 1891-1899
Fr M Ligoury Vas 1899-1914
Fr Ernmatuel M. Fernandes 1914-1936
Fr M.J Ligoury Vas 1936-1937 (3 Months)
Fr Aloysius F. D'Silva 1937-1944
Fr John J. Pinto 1944-1949
Fr Francis X. D'Souza 1949-1953
Fr Aloysius Rodrigues 1953-1973
Fr Leo A. Cutinha 1973-1976
Fr Casmir D'Sa 1976-1981
Fr Thomas D'Sa 1981-1982
Fr Isidore Noronha 1982-1990
Fr Xavier Pinto 1990-1997
Fr Andrew D'Souza 1997-2004
Fr Cyril Pinto 2004-2011
Fr James D'Souza 2011-2018
Fr Alwyn DCunha 2018-
Fr William Menezes 2024-