Vrakshavandhan a diocese initiative programme organised by Environment commission in collaboration with catholic sabha

on June 17, 2024 by Mr. Elroy Saldanha


Environment commission in collaboration with catholic sabha unit of the parish organised Vrakshavandhan a diocese initiative programme to celebrate the international environment day. To inaugurate this programme a symbolic planting of the sapling was done by the parish priest Fr William Menezes after the holy eucharistic celebration Accompanied by vice president Mr Arther Dsouza , Secretary Mrs Dafney Lewis, Ayog commission Co-Ordinator Mr Elroy Saldanha and Catholic Sabha president Mr Vinith Lasrado. About 400 saplings wer distributed to all the parishnoers with the message that every family should plant a sapling and contribute towards saving the mother earth. Hence the motto one plant per family could be achieved.